Although you may be able to prepare and file your tax return on your own, it’s a good idea to get help from a qualified tax accountant. Once you choose the right tax professional for your financial situation, you can relax because a qualified tax professional offers: Broad Range of Tax Expertise – Tax codes are complicated and ever-changing, so you can reduce the likelihood of costly mistakes, missed deductions and possible audit red flags by using an experienced tax advisor. Valuable Advice – Tax pros can quickly answer your tax questions throughout the year, and help you plan tax payments and work to reduce tax liability. Tax Help with the IRS – You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your tax preparer knows how to work with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).Look for an accountant who is also an Enrolled Agent (EA)--a federally licensed tax professional, should you encounter any questions from the IRS.If you need help resolving tax debt, owe back taxes or find yourself in an IRS...